Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Attic Revisited ( School Days )

As I promised, I am back in the attic once again going through some more boxes of memories stored away for quite some time now.

Now to get comfortable in the rocking chair and stroll down memory lane:

Orchard School, Garfield School, West High School, all of these school years were a challenge to me as I did not like school that well. We came from a low to middle income family and that didn't sit too well with some of the other students, especially as I entered Jr. High and High School. I am jumping ahead somewhat so let's back up a little and I'll give you a little insight into my younger School years.
==First through Sixth grade:I fondly remember a very nice teacher in my second grade but her name escapes me at the present time and I am unable to find anything in these memory boxes that tells me her name. I remember her being so kind and compassionate towards me and always helping me to feel as though no question was a dumb question.

As I advanced to Sixth grade it became harder and harder for me to socially relate to the other children and I remember not having anyone I could really call a close friend other than a cousin of mine and to me, at that age, that did not really count.

Seventh through Twelfth grade:
I was bussed all the way across town to the ritzy neighborhood school...WestHigh...So much for integration helping us underpriveledged students.(HUH) Oh well, by this time in my life I had learned to pretty much accept our status and the fact that others weren't going to allow me to fit in so I became pretty much a loner.

Oh my, there are some report cards here in this memory box,I actually did pretty well except in History class.( took it over in summer school). I was able to keep the grades up enough to graduate. That was the best day ever when I could leave school behind and enter the real world... or so I thought at that time.

God has seen me through those trying times of school and many other times in my life and I continue to lean on HIM daily.

I hope this has given all of you a little more insight into who this Pam Fidler is and was.

I look forward to you entering other rooms with me here at the
Castle soon.

Bye for now, May the love of Christ surround you in every one of your days!!

Pam Fidler

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